Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I think that megafloods are super interesting ever since we watched the video about them during lab. I must may, I didn't know what one even was until recently. For my blog assignment. Megafloods are paleofloods (past floods) that involved rates of water flow larger than those in the historical record. They are studied through the sedimentary deposits and the erosional and constructional landforms that individual megafloods have created. Floods that are known to us through historical descriptions are related to events like heavy rains, rapid melting of snowpacks, etc. In the geological past of the Earth, however, geological research has shown that much larger events have occurred. In the case of outburst floods (a type of megaflood that in high magnitude and low frequency), floods that are linked to the collapse of the barrier forming a lake. They fall under categories like these:
  • Collapse of glacier dams that impound proglacial lakes 
  • Rapid erosion, melting of ice sheets 
  • Collapse of earthen barriers 
  • Collapse of volcanic dams created by lava flows, lahars, or pyroclastic flows.
  • Overtopping or lake overtopping

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